Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Do you see what I see? Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't have time to sign up, so I've had to post in this section. Jane, to give you a clue to my identity, I e~mailed you not so long ago about the content of your site, remember, or perhaps not, but you did invite me and my woman on a 'shoot', remember now? Now I've seen the real side of you, I may consider your offer, because, WOW, what I could do with those two gorrrrrrrgeous I hope you like it 'rough'!

Love the blog Jane, you're not just a pretty ass, you've got some grey matter to go with it (I didn't mean that offensively by the way). So keep up the good work, and I may be mailing you soon.


3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see London, I see France, I see two girls' underpants and they both need warming. Jane, I'm writing this at two a.m., but I'm awake enough to say that I love you. Keep up the great work on the site and blog.

11:03 PM  

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